Click here to watch Sunnyside’s online services
This page includes all the information you need to take part in our Holy Week and Easter services including the link to our online services. The Ten Thirty on Palm Sunday and our Easter Day service will both be livestreamed. You would be welcome at any or all of these as we journey with Jesus to the cross and his empty tomb. If you need more information, please email Rebecca.
Palm Sunday
We celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey
Sunday 24th March | 9am and 10.30am
Holy Week Prayer Room
Drop in for prayer stations to help you journey with Jesus through the Easter story.
Sunday 24th March – 31st March | 8am – 9pm
Songs of Praise
A service with favourite hymns and readings for Holy Week and Easter
Monday 25th March | 1.45pm
Holy Week Prayer
A short quiet service with meditations on steps in the Easter journey
Monday 25th – Wednesday 27th March | 8pm
Maundy Thursday
We remember the Last Supper with foot washing and Holy Communion
Thursday 28th March | 8pm
Good Friday 29th March
10am – service with other churches, Berkhamsted High Street
12noon – 3pm readings, reflections and songs as we spend time with Jesus in his last hours. Drop in for as much or as little as you wish
Holy Saturday 30th March
Join other families as we explore the Easter story through mess, fun, friendship, craft, celebration and food.
Saturday 30th March | 3.30pm – 5.30pm Messy Easter
Easter Sunday 31st March
Alleluia, Christ is risen. He is risen indeed, alleluia!
7am – Sunrise Celebration, Berkhamsted Castle
9am – Easter Breakfast
10am – All Together Holy Communion