If you or someone you know is struggling financially or could use some help in finding the right job Sunnyside is actively involved in running two courses:
CAP Money Course
The CAP (Christian Against Poverty) Money Course is a free course that will teach you budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that works. In just a few weeks, you will get to grips with your finances so you can budget, save and prevent debt. Whether you feel pretty organised or whether it’s like a lucky dip ever time you try to withdraw cash from your account, the CAP Money Course will help you take complete control of your finances.
If you or someone you know is struggling with debt and would like to speak to someone, please visit the CAP website or call them on 0800 328 0006.
Work Matters
The Work Matters course is a community-based course aimed at helping those who are currently looking for work and those with a desire to embark on a new career.
The course is free and covers the job search (presenting yourself/networking), your legal rights, managing money, starting a business and managing self (stress).
If you are interested in taking part in either course please contact the office via email or call 01442 875025 for more information.