Sunnyside Church is governed by elected members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). They meet approximately five times a year and are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) which the whole church is invited to attend.
The role of the PCC is to:
- Support the vicar in carrying out the mission of the church
- Represent church members
- Act as Charity trustees – a legal role
- Take an active involvement in the leadership of the church.
- Represent Sunnyside on the Deanery Synod, a meeting of local Anglican churches.
The 2024 PCC:
Vicar: Rebecca Fardell
Church Wardens: Charis Geoghegan and Andrew Fairburn
Deanery Synod: Richard Coles and Richard Lynn (one vacancy)
PCC Members: Shawn Baggs (Treasurer), Laura Cook, Pam Davis, Jenny Hyatt, Katie Randall-Stratton, Martin Redshaw, Chris Stewart
Co-opted Member: Vacancy
Members without voting rights: Kath Jones (PCC Secretary), Sarah Tizzard (Families and Young People Leader), Families and Young People Worker and Stephen Tizzard (Worship Leader)
Anyone can be elected to the PCC as long as they are registered on the Electoral Roll. All who call Sunnyside Church their church are encouraged to join the electoral roll and become part of the wider Sunnyside family. If you would like to join the Sunnyside Electoral Roll please click on the link to our forms page where you can download the application form Sunnyside Church – Forms
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting is a yearly meeting that all members of the electoral roll are expected to attend. The APCM was on Wednesday Wednesday 17th April 2024. Click to view the annual report and the minutes from the meeting.
To read Rebecca’s talk from the 2024 annual meeting, click here.
Action Groups
At Sunnyside we also have eight Action Groups, who take responsibility for the day to day running of the church. The Action Groups meet more frequently than the PCC and each contain elected PCC representatives. The Action Groups discuss the ins and outs of church life, allowing the PCC to concentrate on larger issues of strategy and vision.
The eight Action Groups are:
- Discipleship (Chair Jackie & Stuart Harbron)
Supporting us as we seek to grow as followers of Jesus, whether we have been Christians for a long time or are just beginning to explore faith - Families and Young People (Chair Esther Stewart)
Includes all work with 0-18s and their families. - Mission (Chair Penny Harrison)
Working to help us share the love of Jesus with others more intentionally - Pastoral Care (Chair Rachel Heath)
Taking responsibility for work with the elderly, bereaved and pastoral care of the church. - Finance (Chair Shawn Baggs)
The unenviable task of making sure the books are balanced! - Maintenance (Chair Mark Batchelder)
This group cares for the church hall, kitchen and all properties that Sunnyside is responsible for. - Projects (Chair Simon Lewis)
Taking the lead on all new and exciting initiatives at Sunnyside. A meeting open to all with great ideas! - Eco (Chair Marguerite Craig)
Helping us to look after God’s creation better as individuals and a church.
Each Action Group is led by an Action Group Chairperson who meet as a group with the Vicar and Church Wardens before each PCC meeting. If you would like to contact an Action Group Chairperson please email the church office.
Part of the role of serving on the PCC is to represent church members. So do feel free to approach any PCC member to discuss an issue.