Our Vision is to be recognised as a Christ-centred community of living faith which seeks to make Jesus known to others
This can be summed up as being a church that will:
LOVE God and each other
We want to be a church that will keep God as our main focus and love him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We love because he has first loved us. It is the love that God has for us that stirs and inspires us to love one another.
GROW in our faith
We’re committed to discovering more about what it means to follow Jesus Christ in our modern world. It’s our declared aim to grow in personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit. This growth must be both individual and as a church. We want Sunnyside Church to be a community where everyone can grow in their faith; those who have been Christians for some time and those simply wanting to find out more.
SERVE our community
We serve this local community because we are motivated by the love that God the Father has shown towards us in Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit working in and through us supporting those in need. We also support mission groups and charities serving locally, nationally and globally.
Mission Action Plan
Our Mission Action Plans sets out our vision and how we are going to work towards it. To read our Mission Action Plan from 2022, please click here.