The Bible tells us that we should pray in all circumstances and prayer is a big part of the life of Sunnyside.
If you would like prayer for yourself or someone else, please use our dedicated email address or ask the office to inform the prayer chain which is a group of people willing to pray for others. Alternatively, there are opportunities for confidential prayer at the end of our services when we provide prayer ministry.
Prayer Meetings
We have a range of prayer meetings to help us pray. There is more information about some of the meetings in the Latest News section of our website. Everyone is welcome to all or any of these meetings. Please contact the office for details of how to join in.
Mondays 9.00am-9.30am click here to find out more
Saturdays 8.30-9.00am click here to find out more
1st Tuesday of the month Prayer for Church 3pm-4pm in Breukelman Room. Please ++check latest news for details about Prayer for Church.