On the fifth Sunday of the month which comes around four times a year we try to do something special and something together. We often cancel all our usual service times that day and have one united service together – often at 11.00am. In the past this has been followed by a simple lunch together or by turning the church around and worshipping in the round in the main body of the church.
We have also held a Hog Roast for over 200 people recently to celebrate our Youth workers wedding with the whole church family. We’ve also run outings and social events recently visiting Lambeth Palace and another trip to Wesley’s House and museum in London.
Our next main fifth Sunday event will be on January 31st 2016 when we launch out TRIO initiative. ‘The Responsibility Is Ours’. There’s always more news of these events in our monthly Sunnyside Yellow Pages. Hard copies are available in the lobby but there’s also a link on our home page on line.
We like to do all we can to build community and grow together. There’s an evening theatre trip coming up on April 12 to see ‘Blood Brothers’ and on June 29th we’ve organised a private supper in the Yeoman Warders’ Club after watching the famous ‘Ceremony of the Keys’ together.