Who am I? seems to be a more common and urgent question today than ever. Western culture bombards us with different ideas about our identity and what makes us of value. Our consumerist society tells us that our identity lies in what we buy and own. Our individualistic society tells us that our personal freedoms matter far more than the feelings and wellbeing of community. Our liberal society brings some welcome freedoms but also enormous anxiety and confusion as we are told that we should choose our identity based on how we feel rather than using external facts to inform us.
This is not what the Bible tells us. This sermon series will explore who God says we are and what it means for us as individuals and as a church family. Our aim is to grow in confidence in our identity as beloved children of God and to deepen our understanding of who we are called to be. We will then see more clearly what we are called to do. This Lent we will reflect on Mark’s gospel (and a bit of John) to consider who we are and how we are called to live our lives. Hopefully, when we approach the events of Holy Week and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Day, we will have a deeper understanding of why Jesus lived and died for us and so have even more reasons to praise God.
Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
1 John 4.11
Who are we?
who God says we are and what it means
1st March We are loved by God
Readings: Mark 1.9-13; 1 John 4.7-16
God loves us for who we are, not for what we do. Our identity needs to be firmly rooted in knowing that we are God’s beloved children if we are to experience the fulness of life that Jesus offers us.
8th March We are followers of Jesus
Readings: Mark 1.16-20; 1 Peter 1.13-23
Jesus invites all of us to come and follow him. This means being with Jesus so that we can learn from Jesus how to be more like Jesus.
15th March We are part of God’s family
Readings: Mark 3.31-35; Romans 12.3-13
As children of God we are part of God’s family, the Church. God gives his Church all the gifts she needs to thrive, but we all need to play our part.
22nd March We are witnesses
Readings: Mark 5.1-20; Acts 1.12-26
Jesus calls all of us to be witnesses to who he is and the difference that knowing him has made to our lives. This Mothering Sunday, we particularly give thanks for the women who have witnessed to us and think about who we could witness to.
29th March We are servants
Readings: John 13.1-17; Philippians 1.2-11
Jesus was able to serve others because he was confident in his identity as the beloved Son of God. If we are confident in God’s love for us, we will be able to truly love and serve others.