Sadly we cannot meet together for our final session of the Bible course so a link to the next session is here. Please email Rebecca for the login password (it is the same as last week). Why not watch it at 6pm on Sunday as usual and work through the manual on your own or ring someone else doing the course so you can do it together?
Tommy and Sally Masters says
March 28, 2020 at 7:05 pmGood evening.
Sally and I are not on any Sunnyside communication list so we had no idea that the Bible Course could be accessed on the net.
I was instructed nearly three weeks ago to completely ‘shield’ myself and so Sally in joining me was also self-isolating.
Would it be possible to be able to remotely follow the final three sessions that we missed.
God bless you and protect you all
Hilary Kemp says
March 31, 2020 at 11:57 amHi Tommy
If you email me on hilarykemp65@gmail.com, I’ll send you the password so you can access the sessions you missed.
with love and prayers