We can’t meet in Church for Community Cafe at the moment but we remain a Community whilst apart and we can still drink tea/coffee, eat cake/biscuits and chat together albeit virtually! If free, please join Katie next Saturday 16th May 10-11.30am for Community Cafe via Zoom. Join solo, as a couple or a family, and for as long or as little as you like – no need to stay the full time, fine to go and return.
Zoom is a free app which you can download to laptops, ipads, phones etc (on multiple devices if wanted). It is also possible to join a call via a web browser if not allowed/don’t want to download the app. At any point 10-11.30am on Saturday 16th either click the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88648875236 or add the following Meeting ID: 886 4887 5236 to Zoom page/app. No password required. Katie is also happy to do a trial advance run with anyone new to Zoom and unsure. Please contact her on katierandallstratton@gmail.com if you need any help getting Zoom setup.
“Look forward to ‘seeing’ you at Community Cafe – please don’t make me too jealous with your (optional) amazing homemade cakes!” – Katie Randall-Stratton