This is the only time in the year that we ask for money to support organisations, many but not all Christian, both here and overseas. Several people who’ve worshipped with us in Sunnyside are working in places in the world where poverty and hardship are a daily reality. They bring the love and hope of Jesus as well as practical help and advice to those they serve.
We have heard recently from Bex Henderson with JENGA in Mbale, Uganda and her amazing work in the Namatala slum there, including the ambitious project she has undertaken to raise money to build and equip a new Loved Children’s Centre. The building will provide both care and support for a larger number of children who are malnourished and often left alone while their mothers work. This has been supported by a quite separate fund-raising for the building, which is almost complete now, requiring only a relatively smaller sum needed to equip it. However, our donations through Sunnyside’s Gift Day help to provide an important contribution towards Bex’s personal support as a JENGA volunteer, without which she could not remain there. Also, James and Jo Price in Malaysia have distributed much needed food and support for the Rohingya, who were forced to flee from Myanmar, by its Army’s brutal treatment of them; many of these unfortunate migrants had no income, being unable to work on construction during the pandemic.
Locally we support charities, like the Hospice of St Francis, the Children’s Society, working with the most vulnerable children, and DENS helping the homeless in Dacorum and operating the Food Bank. Nationally, Age UK have been active throughout the pandemic with practical help for those affected by loneliness or in need of practical assistance.
These are only a few of the many organisations that we are to help from our Gift Day.
We can assure you that every donation however large or small is equally valued. We carefully consider and distribute the money knowing many of our church members are closely involved with the charities to which we give. Many charities are really struggling just now both with increased demand due to the pandemic or a reduction in donations and in the income they derive from fundraising events and sponsored activities.
Please do pray and consider carefully what you can give. If you have supplied John Willacy with a declaration, then we are able to claim Gift Aid to add to the total. Information will be made available shortly about more of the charities and the mechanics this year of how you can give.