Praying for roads

We are all being encouraged by our Mission Action Group to pray for two roads in our parish each week. There are several ways in which we can all be involved:

  • in private prayer
  • during our Sunday and Wednesday morning services
  • during our Monday and Saturday prayers
  • gathering for a prayer walk on Wednesday mornings at 8.30am for 20 minutes
  • prayer walking the roads at a different time in twos or threes

On Wednesday 4th November the prayer walk will start from the the edge of Gilpins Ride walking in two’s along Gilpins Ride and Millfield, gathering at the end for a blessing. If there are more than 6 people we will divide into two groups.

All are welcome to join us – just turn up. For more information please contact Charis Geoghegan at

Be sure to check our church calendar for the “parish prayer roads of the week!”

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