“We call upon the Church of England to make November 2020 a month of prayer for our nation. We know that we are in the faithful hands of the risen Christ who knows our weaknesses, tiredness and struggles and whose steadfast love endures forever”
On Wednesday 4 November, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and the Bishop of London called the Church of England to prayer for the nation throughout the month of November. You can read their letter here.
We encourage you to join in with this by praying each day at 6pm, or at a time that suits you. There is a different emphasis for prayer each day:
There is a leaflet with prayers for each day here and we will also be posting daily updates on our Facebook page.
There are additional resources available on the Church of England website here.
Praying is one of the things that we can do in these difficult times to make a real difference. Please try and set aside some time each day to pray for our nation during this period of lockdown.
Rachel and Hilary