To help us all feel more connected to our mission partners and to deepen interest and support beyond our Gift Day donations, we are starting praying for one of our international charities and one of our UK based ones each month. At the beginning of the month, there will be a few prayer points for each of them in the newsletter and the two charities will be prayed for at our Sunday and Wednesday services and in our regular prayer meetings We hope too that you will include these charities in your personal prayers throughout the month too.
We are starting with the Wycliffe Bible Translators (from whom we heard last month ) and the Chiltern Multiple Sclerosis Centre.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
‘Every language matters because every person matters to God. 1 in 5 people alive today are still waiting to get the Bible in their language. Wycliffe’s vision, in partnership with our supporters, is that everyone will have access to God’s word in the language that speaks to them best’.
Sunnyside has been supporting the Banyole Team since its work began in 2005. A New Testament in the local Lunyole language was completed in 2017 and it’s hoped that they will complete the Old Testament in their own tongue by 2027.
In March’s mission slot, we heard from Gesa Aristarchus, the team leader and if that whetted your appetite to learn more, then do watch a really fascinating ten minute video clip on
This illustrates how priceless it is for people to hear and read God’s message in Christ in their own language. Aristarchus gave us several prayer points:
- Protection from the fear of coronavirus amongst the community
- Funding for the renovation of their leased office premises and for the opportunity to build their own translation office on land they have been given.
Having listened to the website clip, we could add in:
- Funding to help the Translation team itself, who seem mainly to be unpaid volunteers, not to have to rely so much on their own earnings
Chiltern Multiple Sclerosis Centre
The mission of the Chiltern MS Centre is to help those affected by multiple sclerosis by empowering them and their families through long term physical, practical and emotional support. Sunnyside’s Judith Allnutt has been working for the Centre for well over 20 years, helping to assess new patients and giving them vital encouragement and support through the physiotherapy she provides. The impact of Covid 19 has been huge on delivery of treatments, on social groups and on income. She has asked us to pray:-
- for financial provision at a time when normal income is reduced
- that those in need of services and their carers should get the support they need especially physio, despite reduced hours
- for successful reopening of the hydrotherapy pool and
- to give thanks that, despite Covid, 12 exercise classes per week were run via Zoom enabling more than 75 patients to take part