This is an update on the Weekend Away at Sunnyside in light of the Government announcements. We are delighted to say that with some adjustments we can go ahead with our weekend in a Covid safe and compliant way.
The Saturday teaching will take place in church as planned; Adrian Chatfield will be helping us think about what it means to be part of God’s family at Sunnyside. There will be talks by Adrian, time for personal reflection and opportunities for discussion. Sadly we are unable to have the barbeque (if you have already bought a ticket for this, please contact Madeleine for a refund). However we would like to actively encourage you to have supper with other people from Sunnyside to continue the theme of being gathered together. Why not contact someone to invite them to share a meal? Who could you join with for an evening of food and fellowship? On Sunday we will gather again for the final teaching session at 10.00am followed by a celebration with Holy Communion (this will be the only service that day and will start at 11.30am). We will then divide into two large groups for our bring your own picnic to keep us Covid compliant. One group will be in the church grounds and the other in the Vicarage garden.
The children and youth programme is unaffected. Please contact Sharon or Luke for more information.
Please click here for a detailed programme for the weekend, click here for some key information you might find helpful and click here for a booking form. The final deadline for booking is 4th July. An audio of the talks will be available after the weekend and only the service will be live streamed.
The Weekend Away at Sunnyside is part of the recovery process we have been talking about since the PCC away morning in February and is a wonderful opportunity to gather together again after the separations of the past year. We really hope that you will choose to come for all or part of the weekend. We have worked hard to ensure that all aspects of the weekend are in line with Covid rules and are as safe as possible. If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca or Fiona.
Howard Smith says
July 10, 2021 at 4:51 pmIs there somewhere on the website that one can check if one has booked already? Like most people of a certain age, I can never remember after several months whether or not I have booked.
Thanks, Howard
Rebecca Fardell says
July 16, 2021 at 1:02 pmyou have booked Howard!