Our Summer Messy Church will be happening on Saturday 3rd July and we are very excited to be able to meet in church for our story and celebration followed by crafts together in the vicarage garden. A bring your own picnic tea will be our meal together.
The plan is to continue with Messy Church craft bags as before. If you are able to join in person you will receive your bag on Saturday in the garden. If you are unable to join us but would still like a craft bag to do together as a family at home, do let me know and I can drop it off to you.
On Saturday we will join in church for our celebration at 3.30pm where families will sit in their family bubbles (if you are unable to come to that, this will be livestreamed as before). We will then make our way up to the vicarage garden where we can catch up and craft together. Please bring your own rugs, chairs and picnics to create your family space in the garden,
Due to Covid restrictions I will need to know numbers attending in advance (by Tuesday please) and we will have one way systems, hand sanitiser etc in place.
Do contact Sharon with any questions and to confirm if you are planning to join us in person or would like a craft bag delivered to your homes.
We are so looking forward to this opportunity to meet in person at Messy Church. Do join us if you can and pray for the sun to shine!