After many months of thinking, praying, listening and planning, we are finally approaching our launch date for Messy Babies on Wednesday 8th September at 9.30am. Our vision for Messy Babies is that parents/carers of 0-3 year olds would find a space where they can connect with others and find a warm welcome for themselves and their little ones. We are praying that through the environment, the team, the activities and the stories/songs, families would know and experience God’s love for each one of them.
Part of that will a welcome cuppa for parents and carers as they arrive and we currently need some help in the kitchen to prepare tea and coffee and serve drinks to the adults. Do you have the gift of hospitality? Could you come along on one Wednesday morning this half term between 9.15 and 10.30am to serve the young families in our community in this way? We would love to have you as part of this half terms Messy Babies team.
Pleas contact Sharon if you could help in this particular way or if you would like to know more about being involved in Messy Babies.
And. most importantly, please do pray for Messy Babies, for the team as they prepare to step out in this way, for the families that will come, and for God to be at the centre of all that we will do and be in this space.