Called to serve

‘Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.’
1 Corinthians 12.27

Whilst we were trying to keep each other safe during the worst of the covid pandemic, it was right that we greatly limited those who could be involved in enabling our worship at Sunnyside. As we move into a new season and new normality, it is equally right that more people take an active role on Sundays so that we can each play the part that God is calling us to as his body at Sunnyside. We all have a role to play, regardless of our age or abilities and each of us will have passions and gifts that we need to use at church if we are to be the flourishing community we want to be.

Many of us have used the past year to reconsider how God is calling us to serve so this is an amazing opportunity for us to create new teams in various areas of service at church. These teams are essential if we are to resume things we are missing at church like coffee.

There are lots of amazing ways of serving at Sunnyside but this list focuses on Sundays. These are the teams we are building for our Sunday worship. You do not need experience for any of these as training can be given!

Service wardens at the Nine and Ten-Thirty – getting the church ready for the service and helping to ensure things run smoothly
Welcomers at the Nine and Ten-Thirty – ensuring that all who come to our services on Sunday get a good welcome and are made to feel at home whether they are long term members of Sunnyside or newcomers
Reading at the Nine and Ten-Thirty – reading our Bible passages is an easy way of getting involved
Intercessions at the Nine – leading our prayers during the service so we can bring our thanks and concerns to God
Prayer Ministry team at the Ten-Thirty – people willing to pray with those who ask at the end of the service
Tech team at the Ten Thirty – running the sound desk or helping with the live streaming
Children and Young People’s team – helping with Sunday’s Cool and our young people
Coffee at the Nine and Ten-Thirty – there are a number of different roles which together enable us to offer hospitality between our services

Please contact Rebecca to express your interest in joining one of these teams or if you would like to find out more. You don’t need to let her know if you are standing down from a team but please let her know your wishes even if you were on the teams before covid as this is a new start. Thank you.


  1. Reply
    Mark & Gail Batchelder says

    Gail – Service warden at 9.00 am service
    Gail – Welcomer at 9.00 am service
    Mark – Reader at 9.00am service
    Mark & Gail – coffee/tea 9.00 am service (we know this means setting up before service and serving/clearing up between services)

    • Reply
      Rebecca Fardell says

      thank you Gail and Mark R

  2. Reply
    Ian Cheese says

    I have decided to retire as service warden but I’m happy to help out as warden/sidesman when necessary. I would like to remain a reader at 9.00

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