We are so grateful that many of you took the time to answer the question “What concerns you most?” either whilst in Church or in person. The answers were really interesting and will help guide us as we move forward together. It is now time to ask our Parish the same question. We have used your comments to amend the question slightly. We hope this project will help us to “take the pulse of the Parish” and help us in our planning.
We now need people to join the team and help in taking this project to the community in the following ways:
- To deliver a card to every home in the Parish. Packs will be collated and labelled as at Christmas and Easter – packs will be ready for collection from 30th September and would need to be delivered by 5th October
- To collect the cards at a time/date convenient to you after 8th October (preferably in the 2 weeks after this date). To support us in doing this safely and sensitively there will be a training session on Thursday 30th September from 8-9pm in the Church (handouts will be available for those unable to attend)
- To pray for all those involved
This is an exciting project, initially set up by Hilary. Please do pray and consider how you can be involved.
To find out more, please speak to any member of the working group – Penny Harrison, Diana White, Katie Randall Stratton, Sharon Fowler, Luke Fennell, Aileen Fyfe. Alternatively, email the office and Mel will put us in touch with you.