In January we’ll be praying for Jenga Community Development Outreach in Mbale, Uganda and Good News for Everyone (formerly known as the Gideons).
Good News for Everyone seek to introduce people to Jesus through the Scriptures they place in schools, hotels, prisons, hospitals etc. We can :-
- Give thanks that 2 local schools have invited representatives from GNFE to come in to distribute New Testaments. Pray that the young people will dip into these using the help and guidance and discover God’s love.
- Be thankful that New Testaments ,Bibles and copies of Hope magazine have been provided to the Chaplaincy at HMP The Mount in Bovingdon. Pray that the recipients will find blessing in reading Gods word.
- Pray too that Christians (of any gender) will join lical group of GNFE.
Jenga Community Development Outreach in Mbale, Uganda. As most of you know, our prayer and Gift Day support goes to one of our own, Bex Henderson, who co-directs the Loved Children’s Centre, which was miraculously completed in the first waves of Covid during 2020. The team there has battled through a long lockdown in Uganda to develop its work amongst the most vulnerable babies and toddlers (and their families) in the slum area of Mbale, known as Namatala.” Please pray:
- That our LOVED Dads would get engaged in our AA programmes and business trainings as a way of overcoming addiction and gaining new skills to support their families. In 2021 we saw a lot of domestic violence and theft from our Dads in their communities as a result of addiction. We believe God wants to bring a shift in 2022. that staff and volunteers can connect with existing and new members
- We would love prayer that we don’t lose any children in 2022, in 2021 we sadly had 4 children pass away during lockdown. It’s our prayer that this year every single child will thrive, overcome malnutrition and have access to a higher level of physiotherapy so that each individual can reach their full potential.
- Prayer for safety amongst the children in the community. Over the Christmas holidays, a three year old was run over by a truck just near LOVED. We hope to start a road safety programme in the schools later in the year to prevent this situation happening again.
- Prayer for Unity amongst the LOVED team, that we would become stronger as a leadership and wider team so that we can better lead our community.
- Then for me personally, that I would strengthen my relationship with God so that I lead out of his kindness, his ideas and his strength rather than my own.