The Eco Church Action Group are looking at ways in which the Sunnyside family can do our bit to help care for and indeed save the planet. As part of this we are completing the Rocha UK Eco church survey to see where we currently rank and determine ways we can improve.
The Lifestyle sub-group (Millie, Esther, Niamh and Chris) are asking that we participate in Clean Air Day, set for Thursday 16th June but moved by us to Sunday 19th June. It is a startling fact that air pollution causes 36,000 deaths in the UK each year, before we even consider the longer term impact on planet earth. There are three services that day and we would ask that anyone who can, walks or cycles to church and anyone else considers whether they could car share to and from their service.
In the two weeks leading up to that day, we would also ask that everyone at Sunnyside undertake their own carbon footprint audit. You could use the calculators available at:
Carbonfootprint.com carbonfootprint.com – Carbon Footprint Calculator
Carbonindependent.org Carbon footprint calculator (carbonindependent.org)
Many more calculators exist.
We will aim to have a review of those footprints and discussion in the interactive slot in the service on Sunday 19th June.
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” – Psalm 24:1