During the Summer we take a break from our Children’s Groups on a Sunday morning. It would be good to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all the team who have faithfully planned, led and helped in these groups week by week throughout the school year.
Summer Sundays give us a amazing opportunity to come together as a community of all ages at our 10.30 service – so do come along with your children if you are around on any Sunday. The Nine service will continue as usual.
At 10.30 we have planned a series that the children and young people can be involved in as well and each week there will be crafts/activities linked to the theme set up in church for children and adults to engage with together. Throughout the summer there will be playdough, headbands, games to name but a few! Each week there will also be doodle sheets on clipboards so if you are someone who likes to doodle as you engage this will be for you! If you know you are going to be around on a particular Sunday (24th July – 28th August) and would like to be involved in the service by reading or perhaps being involved with prayers that would be great – this is an invitation for children and adults or families together.
We look forward to welcoming everyone to our Ten Thirty services on our Summer Sundays.