As we approach our annual Gift Day, which we launch on Sunday 4 September with a speaker from Embrace the Middle East and concludes on Sunday 25 September, we would ask that you pray about each of the charities we support and consider how much you might donate. Both of the groups GDUK (local organisations) and GDI (international) regularly review the charities to ensure they are well run and meet our criteria. – many have church members closely involved. We support 24 charities overall and there are one or two changes this year as we carefully consider their direction, governance and vision for the future.
Every gift is valued however small and we give it all away. This year is particularly difficult for many as we are aware of the increase in our household bills and our church appeal, but please pray about what you are able to give to those who suffer in body mind and spirit, enabling us to share the love of Christ.
Bulawayo Shelter is a small but hugely valued Christian charity run by volunteers from all the local churches providing food and shelter to 30 residents, men women and some children, and joined by others for a midday meal. As Zimbabwe continues to struggle economically these people have nowhere else to go. Its ethos is based on James 2 v14-17.”What good is it, my brothers, if a man has faith but no deeds?”
We support Heidi Longworth, through Stewardship. She is studying for an MA at All Nations Bible College and writing a dissertation on “Transformational Leadership “looking at ways of developing lay readers in the Romanian church. Heidi has reviewed other ministry avenues but feels that God is leading her back to Romania. She has another year to finish her course and hopes to find a mission agency to support her and provide a network of others working on various projects.
Arocha International is a new charity to Gift Day and is an eco charity working both in this country and overseas. GDI has decided to support its international arm to support the PCC’s eco initiative. The charity was formed in 1985 and its name means ‘Rock’ in Portuguese where its first project began. It is a Christian charity centring on caring for God’s creation through locally based conservation projects. They are responding to the environmental crisis throughout the world providing resources for churches. As we interact with them, we will be updating everyone on their various projects.
Leprosy Mission is the oldest organisation treating and researching leprosy, they are focussed on “leprosy defeated: lives transformed “. In poor countries leprosy can lead to lack of employment, loss of income supporting families and social isolation. In Nepal they have a new research centre and have discovered a revolutionary treatment for healing ulcers preventing them from increasing, which all too often in the past has led to the amputation of a limb. They are aiming to eradicate worldwide leprosy by 2035.
The Sunnyside Rural Trust is our closest neighbour, a thriving charity offering opportunities for vulnerable people, providing training and work experience. It was founded as a small horticultural project back in 1990 and has expanded, working now on three sites and from a stall in Berkhamsted High Street on Thursdays. They sell vegetables and fruit, preserves and free-range eggs. At their largest site in Hemel, they produce plants for Dacorum Council and run a tea room. They help at our lunch club clearing away the tables and chairs and enjoy joining us for Songs of Praise.
Dacorum Street Pastors aim to be the visible presence of Christ on the local streets helping those in need of a night out. They stay with those needing reassurance and comfort without criticism or condemnation, providing lollies, flip flops and a listening ear. They work closely with and are supported by the Police and other services.
Rennie Grove Hospice Care is a charity based in Tring that provides care and support services for everyone diagnosed with cancer and other life-limiting conditions. Trained staff care for all the family in the home, giving end of life care to those who want to stay in their familiar surroundings, allowing friends and loved ones to visit. Support and care are available 24 hours a day throughout the year.
Homestart founded in 1973 is a leading care giver working with local families who are in need. They can offer help for children who have physical disabilities, support for parents with mental health issues, families living in poverty, isolation or coping with twins or triplets. Volunteers visit the families in their own homes helping with practical tasks and offering friendly advice and encouragement often from their own experience of being a parent.
Help us to help others improve lives, tackle poverty and injustice and share the love of God . Together our gifts can make a real and lasting difference.
There will always be poor people therefore I command you to be open handed to the poor and needy.
Deuteronomy 15 v 11.