Last Sunday we heard the first sermon “God’s World” as part of our new Autumn sermon series. Our guest speaker John Allen from A Rocha and Rebecca encouraged us to think about what changes we can make to play our part in looking after God’s world. Our Eco Lifestyle Group have provided information below about The Eco 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, giving many practical ideas to encourage us to do our part.
Reducing is choosing things we use or purchase with care. If we consume and use less, less energy is used, fewer resources are used which has less impact on the planet around us. Can you make a commitment to flying less? Reducing your meat consumption? Could you use make up wipes which can be washed instead of thrown away? It’s worth thinking about what you consume, it’s not always the larger purchases such as cars or appliances, but have you ever thought what resources go into bringing you the coffee you might purchase on a daily basis?…
Reusing is finding a new way to use items so that we don’t have to throw them out. Rather than throwing an item away, could it be mended? On the first Saturday of every month a Repair Cafe is held at The Open Door in Berkhamsted. If it is no longer of use to you, someone else might be able to use it. Could the item be repurposed to be reused? Wellies as flowerpots? Using suitable kitchen waste for compost?
As a last resort, if we are unable to reuse, can the waste be recycled? Alongside the recycling bins we have at home, there are also possibilities to recycle items elsewhere. Light plastics which are not currently collected for recycling in Dacorum can be collected and deposited at Tesco stores, Berkhamsted, Tring and Hemel Hempstead or if you are unable to get there, we have a bin at Sunnyside. Contact lenses and their cases can be recycled at Boots Opticians, have a look at Terra Cycle for more ideas and options to recycle.
It is those living in countries who have contributed the least to the warming of the planet who are being affected the most. Please try to spend some time thinking about your consumption and if there are ways you can change your lifestyle.
Eco Lifestyle Group