As many of you will know, Bex Henderson spoke at our two services last Sunday. Bex attended Sunnyside for many years until, after graduating, she moved to Uganda. She founded the Loved Children’s Centre (Loved), and many of the Sunnyside Church family contributed funds to its construction around two years ago. It is a wonderful building, enabling Bex and her team to do incredible work among the most vulnerable children in an area of extreme need, as she explained in the services.
She indicated that her plan had always been to also build a Community Centre to increase the Centre’s involvement in the wider community. As the need was immediate, they have erected a tin wall/ tin roof/mud floored/no window construction, as in the photo.
She planned to fund raise in a few months’ time to build a proper centre. The architect, whose plans were used for the original Loved building, has drawn up plans and two competitive quotes obtained from two trusted builders, which estimate that she would need to raise around £20,000.
Inevitably, a number of people approached her after the service to say that they would like to help now. I have already written directly to those who donated two years ago but I am conscious that there may be many others in our church family who would like the opportunity to help whom I’m not aware of.
Equally, if you’ve not yet heard Bex or would like to hear more than she had time to say on Sunday, then do please join us at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th November in Church, when Bex will share some more on the amazing work that God, by his grace and her team have been able to accomplish at Loved this past year and about the impact that a new Community Centre building will have.
If you would like to help, could I ask you to email me and I will provide you with more details. My email address is obrien_jj@hotmail.com or feel free to call me on 07734 283294.
John O’Brien – Trustee and Hon Treasurer of JENGA UK”