We are very grateful for those who have come forward to assist with the Friday evening youth club years 7-11, spaces are still available to help though! We have a regular group of around 15 mostly years 7-8 and it really is a lovely group. Full guidance will be given on how it all works. If you are not ready to commit, come along to a session as an observer and see if it’s an area you feel you could support.
We have made the decision to temporarily stop the younger youth club until we have staff who can fully support its relaunch.
We are in need of people willing to serve on a Sunday Morning with the young people. We are looking for people to join the team as leaders and helpers for these groups.
Messy Church is also coming up on Saturday 4th February. We do not currently have a food team to prepare and help clear away a simple meal after the celebration.
Thank you to those people who have already volunteered and we will be in contact in due course.
Messy Babies continues to thrive and we are so grateful for those willing to serve this initiative.
There is a rich history of amazing children, families and youth work at Sunnyside and we are praying God will provide us with the resources to continue this work in the interim period before we appoint new members of staff.
If you wish to support this work in any way, please contact Esther at YouthChair@sunnysidechurch.org.uk or our vicar Rebecca Fardell.