Our latest Community Cafe on Saturday 18th March 2023 was hosted by Pam Davis and Penny Harrison in the Breukelman Room.

The baked offerings were once again magnificent – fans of Biscoff had to choose between Penny Harrison’s Biscoff cupcakes and Rebecca Redshaw’s Biscoff loaf! Liz Beloe’s carrot cake proved a massive hit and Pam Davis’ multiple offerings served as breakfast (mocha bite), morning snack (bran loaf) and lunch (bacon and cheese muffin) for me! We kept Community Cafe open past the usual 11.30am finish as a help yourself offering until mid-afternoon – those attending later Ballet sessions were intrigued by the concept of Community Cafe and it was great to offer refreshments to the interview candidates and team.
There’s no Community Cafe in April but please do join us on Saturday 20th May 10-11.30am for the next one! (with future 2023 dates: 17th June, 16th September, 21st October and 18th November).
As ever, Community Cafe wouldn’t be possible without the brilliant folks supporting it – those who bake the yummy cakes, those who come along to co-host, and those who come to set the church back up. If one or more of these aspects interests you then please click on the link for more information – this will be left open all year to capture support. Any questions please contact Katie.
Hyperlink: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScYBV7lmuKBZwEoMGFyeEYS9ijpUlhG94qZrmAJwT6zEEDMig/viewform