Community Cafe has had its usual summer break but returns on Saturday 16th September in Church at the new trial timeslot of 10.30am-noon! Hopefully folks will use the space to connect with others over a cuppa and a nice slice of cake. Lucinda Monks will also be returning to host our third instalment of Craftea – the idea being to bring along whatever craft you are currently working on, have a cuppa, and sit with folks to craft together. Lucinda runs the online Berkhamsted Creative Challenge Facebook group. Please do extend the invite to local family and friends who like crafting! Or indeed to ones who don’t too. Why not invite a neighbour to attend with you? Or what about arranging to meet someone from church you haven’t caught up with lately? Or just come solo and chat to your hosts! Please bring a reusable mug where possible to minimise our washing up (and you get more!).
As you all know Jane Markby moved up to Kendal so I’ve lost one of my regular bakers! I am on the lookout please for more bakers to occasionally provide non-nut cakes. Also seeking more folks to help set church back up. If helping at Community Café interests you then please click on the link for more information (left open all year to capture support) or contact Katie.
Other 2023 dates include Saturdays 14th October (note this is the second Saturday to be outside of half term and also will be the morning of the Tearfund Quiz 2023), and 18th November, 10-11.30am. Please pop these in your diaries.