Each month we pray for two of our mission partners. During October we are praying for The Leprosy Mission and Chilterns Neuro Centre (previously known as Chilterns MS Centre).
The Leprosy Mission is a global Christian organisation leading the fight against leprosy. Following Jesus Christ, they seek to bring about transformation; breaking the chains of leprosy and empowering people to attain healing, dignity and life in all its fullness. Please pray for:
- research programs aiming to limit the spread of leprosy among patients’ families and local communities
- safety of leprosy staff working in countries like Sudan, Niger Myanmar, Mozambique where travel to local communities and beyond poses dangers
- the difficult decisions being made on budgets as a result of the declining income arising out of the cost of living crisis. We are seeing God’s faithfulness but out of a desire to serve people affected by leprosy we ask for more of His provision
The Chilterns Neuro Centre (previously known as Chilterns MS Centre) in Wendover seeks to support those living with MS and Parkinsons and stroke survivors and their families. By providing treatments, tools, knowledge and a community of healthcare professionals people living with neurological conditions are empowered to live life to the full. They ask us to:
- give thanks for the generosity of donors and pray that this continues
- pray that those living with Parkinsons and those who have had a stroke feel as welcome as those with MS, that the centre would be inclusive
- pray for all who come to the centre either as service users , families, healthcare professionals or volunteers