Our latest Community Cafe was held in Church on Saturday 14th October 2023, continuing at the trial time of 10.30am-noon, hosted by Penny H and Jane C, Lucinda M led another instalment of Craftea, and the gardeners enjoyed a well-deserved break. It was another great Café – lots of folks served and great conversations had. Leftover cakes were also used in the evening to raise extra money for Tearfund. As ever, a big thank you to all our faithful bakers – a particular shout out this month to Julie M (gorgeous little Hartley’s mum) who baked for the first time for us, supplying a tasty lemon poppyseed cake!
In conjunction with the Berkhamsted Creative Challenge Facebook group, and like we did last year, the crafting aspect of November’s Community Café (Saturday 18th November, 10.30-noon) we will be supporting Cards of Christmas Hope.
There will be no Community Café in December, and we will return on Saturday 20th January 2024 (start time to be confirmed).
If helping at Community Café interests you then please click on the link for more information or contact Katie.