The next Community Café (and last for 2023) is on Saturday 18th November in Church, continuing in the new trial time slot of 10.30am-noon! Pam D, Richard L, Katie and Samson will be hosting, with Tony and Penny W coming along to set the Church back up. Hopefully folks will use the space to connect with others over a cuppa and a nice slice of cake. Please bring a reusable mug where possible to minimise our washing up (and you get more!).
In conjunction with the Berkhamsted Creative Challenge Facebook group, and like we did last year, our Craftea session will be supporting Cards of Christmas Hope (see flyer). Lucinda M and Charlotte V will be in attendance to help us with creating the cards. All materials will be provided, just bring yourselves. Or why not invite a neighbour to attend with you? Or what about arranging to meet someone from church you haven’t caught up with lately? Or just come solo and chat to your hosts! Cards of Christmas Hope flyer
There will be no Community Café in December, and we will return on Saturday 20th January 2024. If helping at Community Café interests you then please click on the link for more information or contact Katie.