Wow what a brilliant Community Café we had on Saturday 18th November 2023 morning in Church! Pam D, Richard L, Katie RS and Samson hosted the refreshments (the fabulous band of bakers showing their amazing skills again), Lucinda M and Charlotte V hosted the Cards of Christmas Hope Craftea session, and Tony and Penny W set back up. There was such a buzz in the church – folks came along specially to design cards, folks attending Community Café contributed, and ballet students, parents and grandparents also took part. We are pleased to announce that 58 wonderful cards were made which will hopefully make a difference to those who are on their own or having a hard time this Christmas. Tim L’s Church Suite surgery was a success too! Many thanks to all who helped to make it such a great event.
There will be no Community Café in December, and we will return on Saturday 20th January 2024 sticking to the new time of 10.30am-noon. 2024 Community Cafe dates for your diaries: 20 January, none in February as half term, 16 March, 20 April, 18 May, 15 June, none in July or August as usual, 21 September, 19 October, 16 November, none in December as usual.
Katie has a new information form for 2024. If helping at Community Café next year interests you then please click on the link for more information or contact Katie. Please may the regulars complete it too! I’m keen to get at least the first few Community Café hosts sorted please!