‘My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.’ (John 10.27)
When we did the prayer survey last year, one of the things people asked for is more teaching on prayer. We are therefore going to focus on prayer, and particularly hearing God through Lent. We are going to do this through our preaching on Sundays but also through some of the excellent resources which have been created by Pete Greig who many of us are familiar with through 24-7, the Prayer Course and Lectio 365.
There are two resources we are recommending:
1. read our Lent Book: ‘How to hear God: a simple guide for normal people’ by Pete Greig. This very accessible book includes a listening exercise and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter to help you. There will also be opportunities to discuss the book at the St John’s Lent Lunches.
2. do the Lectio Course which is linked to the book. The course has 5 sessions which consist of a short video, an exercise and some questions. This is the link.
We are encouraging house groups to get involved and we will be reflecting on the book at the Lent Lunches at Bourne End. If you are not currently in a house group and would like to get together with others to discuss the book or do the course, please speak to Rebecca.