Each month we pray for two of our mission partners. During February we are praying for Age UK Dacorum and Wycliffe Bible Translators.
Age UK Dacorum
The mission of Age UK Dacorum is to promote the well-being of all people and their carers in Dacorum. They provide a wide range of services and activities so that everyone may find their later life fulfilling and enjoyable without isolation. Please pray:
- all volunteers as they serve and for more volunteers to come forward
- all the services especially the bereavement listening support service
- all older people who live in our parish that they may find companionship and support
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wycliffe’s mission is to serve local partners worldwide as they bring God’s word to their communities in the language which speaks to them best. Please pray:
- for lives to be changed as people come to know Jesus through having the Bible in their language
- for perseverance for linguists and translators who are working to write their peoples languages so they can have the Bible in the language they know best
- that God will guide translation teams around the world during the thorough checks for accuracy and clarity that are a key part of the Bible translation process
We have heard the good news that the team working on translating the whole Bible into Banyole is getting close to finishing which will have been an amazing work of perseverance over many years. These two pictures come from the current edition of the Wycliffe Prayer Diary where the Banyole project is the focus in April.