Wednesday at 9.30


  • 9:30 am
  • St John's Church, London Rd, Bourne End, HP1 2RU
  • 01442875025

After the leader has introduced the passage we spend time discussing its meaning. For many people this service is like a House Group – an oasis in the middle of a busy week. Apart for the first Sunday of the month when we arrange the comfy chairs facing East in the chancel we usually sit in a circle.

The service lasts for just forty five minutes and we share coffee together afterwards.

On the fifth Wednesday of the month at 9.30am we join with the congregation of our sister church down the road at St. John the Evangelist Bourne End for a service together.

Usual pattern:
1st Wednesday: BCP Holy Communion. Similar to ‘The Eight’ on a Sunday.
2nd Wednesday: Morning Prayer.
3nd Wednesday: Holy Communion. Sitting in the circle we sometime pass the bread and wine to each other
4th Wednesday: Morning Prayer.
5th Wednesday: A United Service at St John’s Bourne End