Following on from the recent revelations about the John Smyth abuse scandal, and the publication of the Makin Report, I want to reassure you all of the efforts that we are making to maintain high safeguarding standards at Sunnyside. Over the last ten years our safeguarding practices have improved enormously. We have thorough Safer Recruiting processes for every church member who helps lead activities with children, youth or vulnerable adults. We have risk assessments for every activity; we have policies for pretty much every eventuality; and safeguarding is a standing agenda item at every PCC meeting. So rest assured that we are doing everything humanly possible to guard your safety in all of our church activities.

Having said that, we are reliant on you to be our eyes and ears, and to let us know if you spot anything unusual or hear anything that rings alarm bells with you. Just pick up the phone to Rebecca or me, or send us an email, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


  1. A confidence must never be kept if it involves hurt or harm to anybody.
  2. Don’t assume that somebody else will report abuse – things can fall between stools if you leave it to others to speak up.

Please keep in your prayers all those who have been affected by the abuse scandal, including primarily the victims and survivors, as well as those implicated by the Makin Report. And do keep praying for Archbishop Justin and his family, and the Church as it seeks God’s way forward.

And a big thank you for all your support and prayers, and for helping to keep Sunnyside safe!

Jenny Hyatt, Parish Safeguarding Officer (tel: 07836 555654 / email:

Rebecca Fardell, vicar (tel: 01442 865100 / email:

Here is a link to the film shown at Sunnyside Church on Sunday 17th November, Safeguarding Sunday (requires registration)