The nativity comes to our lobby

We are planning to build a large nativity scene in our lobby windows through Advent.  Different figures will be added each Saturday, beginning on 28th November and culminating with Jesus on Christmas Eve.

Given the restrictions on access to our church building this year, the Advent window is a safe way of us reaching lots of people with the Good News of Christmas. We are going to widely publicise what we are doing in the hope that those walking through the churchyard will enjoy seeing the emerging scene and that people might come specially to have a look at it. In addition to the figures, there will be some simple materials to help people think about the true story of Christmas which will be available in the window and on line.

How can you get involved in this exciting project?

The most important way you can get involved is by praying. Ask God that the window will help us share the Christmas story with our community and trigger good conversations about Jesus.

Lend some things we need
We need the follow items which we will return in January. If you can help with any items, please let Rebecca know as soon as possible (28th November is two weeks!)
– 8 tailor’s dummies or valet stands (for hanging men’s suits on) or similar or 24 clean 6 foot garden canes and 8 clean 5 foot garden canes or 8 garden plant supports/obelisks
– approximately 30 copies of the Financial Times (the pink paper is better for paper mache heads!)
– 8 pairs of ladies tights for the heads. Old tights are best for this (not support tights as they are not stretchy enough) and they need to be brown not neutral as Bethlehem is in the Middle East.
– a large star light that runs off batteries
– a large piece of green fabric that we can pin sheep to (an old curtain or table cloth would be perfect)

Calling all our children: would you be able to provide our shepherds with some sheep? We would need your pictures of sheep by early December. You could make them anyway you wish but please do not make them too small (A4 or larger would be perfect) as we want everyone to be able to see them. Sharon is happy to collect your sheep when she delivers the Messy Church bags if that helps. Do put your name on the back if you would like your sheep returned in January.

Make a head for our nativity figures
Do you like making paper mache (Rebecca is not overkeen!) If you do, would you be up for making a head or two? We would provide the materials. We need 8 in total.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask Rebecca.


  1. Reply
    Janet Ivin says

    I would be happy to make a papier-mâché head or two!!!

  2. Reply
    Janet Ivin says

    Not sure whether my first message went or not! I would be happy to make a papier-mâché head or two.

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