All around us people are talking about issues of identity, lifestyle and values. Our media is full of discussion about these issues. Our schools are teaching about them. Laws are being made about them. The Bible has things to say on all these topics but its voice often isn’t heard as loudly as that of the society around us and its campaigners. As followers of Jesus, we are called to love and live as he taught us. We are called to be faithful to his radical way of being and doing. It is important that our views on identity, lifestyle and sexuality are informed by our faith in Jesus as saviour and Lord and grounded in what the Bible teaches us.
We are going to be exploring some of these issues at Sunnyside over the coming months through study groups, a sermon series and a teaching day led by Ian Paul. Our hope is that this programme will equip us to understand better what the Bible teaches us about who we are and how we can live more faithfully as followers of Jesus in the modern world; and give us confidence in what our faith has to say on some big, contested issues.
Christians have different views on some of the issues that we are exploring. This means that we may not agree on all points. With this in mind we have also planned to examine together how to disagree well with others so we might continue to be a welcoming community where everyone might find a home.
More information about the course and sermon series coming soon!
Click here for more information about Ian’s talk.