Our sermon series for Lent

Prayer is a conversation with God but if we are honest, most of us find it easier to talk to God than hear what he is saying. During Lent we are going to be focussing on how we might hear God in our daily lives. Our teaching series will be...

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Lent at Sunnyside and St John’s

‘My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.’ (John 10.27) When we did the prayer survey last year, one of the things people asked for is more teaching on prayer. We are therefore going to focus on prayer, and particularly hearing God through Lent. We are...

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27th August 9am

There will be one service this Sunday at 9am when we will be continuing to explore Stories Jesus Told by thinking about the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders. This service will be in person and on line. All are very welcome!

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stories to encourage us

We all have people who have inspired us by their stories of God’s faithfulness to them and their stories of following Jesus in good times and hard times. Having thought about the story of God’s great restoration project and how we might tell our story to others, we are going...

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Lent Groups

We have some exciting opportunities to help us engage more in our Talking Jesus season during Lent. We want to encourage and equip us to to talk more about Jesus with our family and friends by using stories.

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A new sermon series for Autumn

All around us people are talking about issues of identity, lifestyle and values. Our media is full of discussion about these issues. Our schools are teaching about them. Laws are being made about them. The Bible has things to say on all these topics but its voice often isn’t heard...

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