Prayer is a conversation with God but if we are honest, most of us find it easier to talk to God than hear what he is saying. During Lent we are going to be focussing on how we might hear God in our daily lives. Our teaching series will be running alongside our recommendations for two resources you might find useful (our Lent book ‘How to hear God: a simple guide for normal people’ by Pete Greig and the online Lectio course). We won’t be producing sermon notes through Lent as we hope people will use these resources. Click here to find out more about how you can get involved.
God’s Voice: hearing God in our daily lives
‘My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.’ (John 10.27)
Sunday 18th February Knowing God’s voice
readings: John10.22-30; Psalm 85
God speaks to us in different ways and we need to learn to recognize his voice.
Lectio course Session 1 link
Sunday 25th February Hearing God’s voice through the Bible
readings: Mark 4.35-41; Luke 24.13-35
The Bible is God’s living word and is the main way in which he speaks to us.
Lectio course Session 2 link
Sunday 3rd March Hearing God’s voice through prayer
readings: Luke 15.11-32; Psalm 25
As we spend time in prayer we often discover answers to questions or problems we are facing; this is a way in which God speaks to us.
Lectio course Session 3 link
Sunday 10th March Hearing God’s voice in dreams and prophecy
readings: Acts 10.9-23; Job 33.12-18
How might we help one another understand what God is saying to us through dreams, visions and prophecy?
Lectio course Session 4 link
Sunday 17th March Hearing God’s voice in the world
readings: Matthew 14.13-21; Psalm 19
God is at work throughout his world and we can learn to hear his voice in the noise of the world around us.
Lectio course Session 5 link