Summer Sermon Series

One overriding theme across all the gospel passages is that everyone who encounters Jesus is both challenged and enriched by the experience. The characters from these Bible passages come from different places but have in common the fact that they will never be the same again following their encounter with Jesus. They are case studies in the way in which Jesus came ‘that they may have life, and have it to the full’ (John 10:10). The additional readings from the Book of Psalms, written by people who were seeking to live as followers of God.

In the summer services we will explore just how an encounter with Jesus can challenge and enrich each of us, whatever our age and background.

People who encountered Jesus

Sunday 24th July Peter and Andrew encounter Jesus
readings: Matthew 4.18-22; Psalm 84
Peter and Andrew accept Jesus’ invitation to follow him.

Sunday 31st July Mary and Martha encounter Jesus
readings: Luke 10.36-42; Psalm 27
Mary and Martha spend time with Jesus.

Sunday 7th August The boy with the loaves and fishes
readings: John 6.1-5; Psalm 112
A boy offers his lunch to Jesus who can use whatever we bring him.

14th August The Ten Lepers
readings: Luke 17.11-19; Psalm 111
One man discovers the blessings of being thankful for what Jesus has done for him.

21st August Blind Bartimaeus
readings: Mark 10.46-52; Psalm 142
Bartimaeus learns the importance of asking Jesus for what he really wants.

Sunday 28th August Zacchaeus
readings: Lue 19.1-10; Psalm 32
Zacchaeus experiences the transforming power of Jesus’ forgiveness.

Some questions for house groups:
1. Where or how have you encountered Jesus this week?
2. Read the Gospel passage. What do you notice? How does encountering Jesus change the lives of the people in the story?
3. Read the Psalm. How does this deepen your understanding of the impact encountering Jesus might have on people?
4. How might what you have learnt from these passages help you grow as a follower of Jesus?
5. Why not ask God to show you how he wants to enrich and challenge you by encounters with Jesus in the week ahead?

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