We focus on two of our mission partners each month, praying for one from this country and one working abroad. This month we are praying for:
Good News for Everyone (Dacorum)
An organisation (previously known as Gideons UK) that serves to introduce people to Jesus by the placing, presenting and and distributing Bibles in schools, prisons, hospitals, hotels etc. Please pray:
– for more people to join the team to serve in this way
– for more openings to give out Bibles – particularly in local schools
– for the national organisation as it develops an identity apart from the US based international.organisation.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Sunnyside has been supporting Wycliffe for many years now, alongside the much bigger Bible Society, both of which are passionate about the Word of God reaching least reached peoples in their own tongue. Wycliffe are smaller and more local and recently moved their Head Office from Bucks to Oxford and now operate from CMS House in Blackbird Leys. We particularly support the Banyole Project in SE Uganda, almost since its inception in 2005. The translators there have painstakingly been providing the bible to some 500,000 Lunyole speakers in that region with very encouraging results & finished the New Testament in 2017.Wycliffe are requesting prayers for:
Ongoing wisdom and progress as the team continues with translation of the Old Testament, due for completion in 2027.
- Church leaders to find ways to help their people to read and listen to translated Scriptures at home as well as on Sundays & for confidence to teach and preach from the Banyole translation.
- Pray that, as a result, the Banyole people will see life-giving, practical changes as a result.
- Ask God for steady rainfall resulting in good crops & food on their tables. In times of drought, the translators can be distracted from their work