This is a reflection to help you pray during Thy Kingdom Come. There will be a reflection for each day which will focus on the two main themes of TKC this year: The character of God and living the kingdom through love and service. They have been written by different members of Sunnyside Church. We suggest you ask God to speak to you through the words and picture before you begin, then read slowly through the reflection. What is God saying to you? How might you respond?
Bible Reading: Lamentations 3: 22-23
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

Reflection: God’s generosity and faithfulness to us
Just before lockdown we came across this part of Dockey Woods. I call it my outdoor cathedral as the light filters through the trees, like the sunshine through stained glass. It helped to sustain me, and several others through the pandemic.
Prayer by Nick Fawcett
Living God, show me the doors you have opened and teach me to walk through them in faith, trusting in your guidance and power, this day and always. Amen