Welcome to Song of the Moment!
We have a new song to focus on this time. I hope you managed to catch the last song of the moment, if not please do have a look here.
The new song we are looking at at the moment is:
Holy Forever
(by Chris Tomlin and Bethel Music)
This is new to us, and we will be introducing this soon at services at Sunnyside.
A few newer worship songs came to my attention recently, and I was thinking about which one to introduce first. At this time, a few weeks ago we were looking at the transfiguration in Mark 9:2-9, where Jesus took a few select disciples up a mountain and he shone with Moses and Elijah appearing with him. This really impacted me as we read and considered about a heavenly, majestic and glorious Jesus in this state.
I was reminded also of the visions of heaven explained in various parts of the Bible, such as in Ezekiel and in Revelation, the latter mentions heavenly creatures who ‘…never stop saying: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty…”’ (Rev 4:8)
We also often say before taking communion together “[We] join with saints and angels fore ever praising You and saying: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might…”.
The idea of joining with an constant existing heavenly song when we worship is awesome! We do not worship alone, we join with all people, creation and heaven to give God, in all his amazing heavenly glory, the worship he so deserves. This fascinates me, and makes this song, Holy Forever, come to mind with real significance.
The chorus of Holy Forever exclaims that the all angels, creation and people are singing His praise and lifting Him high. There is very little in this song that focuses on ourselves, only Him and how He is the highest and greatest, and how we join in the song giving all in our worship.
I find the song elating; what a joy it is to sing to our amazing God! When I find it difficult to express my worship, this song is a useful tool to do just that!
Click on one of the following for a link to Holy Forever on your preferred streaming service:
Spotify | | | Youtube | | | Apple Music | | | Amazon Music
Please do also have a look at the Sunnyside Playlist on Spotify / YouTube / Amazon Music
Thanks for reading!