April 2024‘s Community Cafe was a great affair – hosted by Megan R and Kristina F, Sarah and others helped set the church up ready and then back up, and Lucinda M, Charlotte V and Sarah were Craftea hosts extraordinaires. As ever, gardeners, Sunnyside folks, craft attendees, ballet students and families got to sample some delicious treats plus hot drinks. Baking shout-outs this month include Megan’s popular lemon drizzle cake and the tasty offering from Mel (who has a table in the lobby doing ballet admin); she provided a massive number of crispy cakes! A recurring theme of Community Café is in the conversations and connections it gives the opportunity for – Megan and Kristina thoroughly enjoyed their time together, as did the Craftea folks!
The next Community Café is on Saturday 18th May (with further 2024 dates scheduled for 15th June, 21st September, 19th October and 16th November). There is currently a very limited pool of “Set Back Uppers” and I’d love to have more folks involved to plug a few gaps (including for next month’s 18th May Café). This task involves arriving by noon (although most folks arrive around 11.30am to enjoy a cuppa and cake, and chat among themselves), and setting church chairs back up normally finishes by 12.30-12.45pm. The information link for Community Café in 2024 allows folks to respond with available dates, and it’s fine to request to do just one in 2024!