Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a wonderful opportunity from 9th – 19th May 2024 to join with others across the world to pray for people to experience the transforming power and mercy of God. At Sunnyside, we are going to be taking part in TKC in a number of ways to enable the maximum number of people to be involved:
Click here to see our growing collection of daily reflections throughout this special season between Ascension and Pentecost…
- We are inviting you to commit to pray for 5 people you know during TKC.
- A daily reflection from different people at Sunnyside which we will send out through mailchimp, post on our website and will be available as a printed set for those who do not have access to the internet.
- Taster sessions for the Week of Accompanied Prayer on 10th and 14th May. Contact Jackie for more information.
Prayer is an important part of our life at Sunnyside. There is information about our regular prayer meetings (under ‘join in’) on the website and look out for information about some other opportunities to explore prayer coming soon:
- quiet gardens during the summer
- Week of Accompanied Prayer 29th September – 5th October.