Week of Accompanied Prayer: Refresher/Taster sessions 28th April and 5th May
Do you want to take part in our week of accompanied prayer later this year? It’s a wonderful chance to explore and enrich your prayer life.
Do you want to take part in our week of accompanied prayer later this year? It’s a wonderful chance to explore and enrich your prayer life.
Bible reading – John 7:37 (NKJV)
Bible reading – Mark 6:31-32, 34 (NIV)
Bible reading – Philippians 4:6-7
Bible reading – Psalm 147:1-5
Bible reading – John 14:16-18
Bible reading: Psalm 103 (excerpts, NIVUK:)
As our Saviour taught us, so we pray:Our Father in heaven,
Bible Reading: Matthew 8:23-27
Bible Reading: Matthew 13:33