Is there a Christian Viewpoint on the Environment?
We are daily bombarded by news and views on the environment. As Christians, how are we to respond? There are activists and sceptics at either end of the debate with a range of views in between. On Thursday 18th July, we look forward to hearing these views so that we can take our stance under God’s grace, showing respect for others’ opinions.
Our conversation at 7pm in the Breukelman Room will be led by Paul and Margeurite Craig and everyone is welcome. A light supper will be served from 6.45pm: please let Nicci know if you would like to eat before the meeting.
Concerning future dates, we will not meet in August or September and I suggest we move to second Thursdays meeting on 10 October, 14 November and 12 December. Please do let me know of any “challenging issues” you would like us to address.
Every blessing, Paul.
Rev’d Paul Boddam-Whetham 07713 069876