“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”
2 Corinthians 9:7
Sunnyside has a long tradition of supporting Mission groups and charities both here in the UK and overseas. Many church members are actively involved with them and just once a year we give them financial support. Every penny we collect is given away and we do ask that you pray for them and consider how much you are able to give, supporting the neediest people in the world, letting them know we care about them and bringing them God’s love and humanitarian aid.
Heidi in Romania
– many will remember Heidi as our music director
“My time at Sunnyside Church (2000–2010) was so influential on my journey to Romania – not only because of the way the opportunity of coming to Romania came about – but also because of the way I grew as a person and in my relationship with God in those years. The way God prepared me for what was ahead and the training ground that Sunnyside was for the work I’m currently doing in Romania I could never have foreseen, and yet has been instrumental in all I’m now doing and is being used by God to reach out to people in Hunedoara who don’t know Jesus. The money and prayer support from Sunnyside is such a blessing to me – not only because of the way it helps me practically to live here, but also the assurance and encouragement it gives me that I am still very much part of the Sunnyside family. This year, I’ve used some of the money to support my MA course on Inter-cultural Leadership – buying books and covering the costs of the research I’m doing. I’ve also been able to buy some much-needed new sound equipment for the church and I’ve also put a bit aside for some renovation work that needs doing on my apartment and which I’m hoping to do later this year once I’ve completed my MA. Although these are simply living costs, the gift from Sunnyside means that I can live here in Romania and concentrate on the calling God has put on me in this season. It really does make such a difference. Thank you all for your amazing love and support.
P.S. Visitors are always welcome!
C and V
– working with CMS to minister to Muslims in Eastern Spain and supporting Christians elsewhere
We so appreciate Sunnyside financial support, because without yours and many others’, we could not do what God has called us to do at the edges. Just to give you an example, R was one of those people that we were able to help, deliver comfort to and meet her physical needs. R is from Bulgaria. She was in a very difficult relationship with someone involved in drugs. One afternoon she contacted us in desperation as she did not know what to do. R shared about her story, her lack of food…and just there on a bench on the street, as I listened to her, I had a chance to share about God’s love and purpose for her life. I encouraged her to cry out to God. And just there we prayed together for God’s help and direction. After that we went to a local food shop and I bought some groceries for her to be able to eat. She was very grateful and touched. About a week later she sent us a text thanking us and telling us that she has managed to go to Germany where she has found a job. Without your support, we would not be able to help R and others who are on the fringes of society. Thank you so much for partnering with us.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
1.5 billion people have no Bible in their first language and Wycliffe’s mission is to change this by bringing God’s Word to everyone in their own language where they can read about Jesus for themselves. Some languages and dialects have very few speakers, others are part of large communities but Wycliffe aims to bring them all a Bible to read of God’s love for them. There are more translators today than ever before and Wycliffe hopes to increase funding for even more work in the next few years.
Embrace the Middle East
Many will recall Rowena’s visit at Christmas and her sermon the year before launching our Gift Day
Embrace believes in faith in action and they work in many places throughout the Middle East where conflict and wars seem endless. They provide education for children with disabilities as well as support for the whole family. In Syria many children have been traumatised by the civil war and Embrace has provided safe spaces where they can have education and emotional support. In Iraq they are providing small loans and grants to help people start small businesses. Since the terrible events of last October, they are providing much-needed medical and humanitarian aid to those who have fled their homes with nothing, as well as medical care since the hospital they supported was destroyed. Embrace sends mobile health clinics into remote places for those who have chronic conditions and are unable to travel for health care.
Homestart Hertfordshire
What happens to a family during the early years of a child’s life determines the opportunities and life chances that children have. Children raised in a stable, loving home are much more likely to have a positive and stable future. Homestart provides families with a mentor who visits each week whenever there is post-natal depression, isolation, physical health problems or bereavement. The mentors are parents themselves and understand the difficulties in situations and encourage parents with practical and emotional support, giving them confidence and strength to nurture their children.
Rennie Grove Hospice Care
Rennie Grove Peace provides a lifeline of compassion and support to patients, carers and families facing life-limiting illness in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire, 24 hours a day, every day of the year, in their own home. From the moment of diagnosis, they can offer support both physically and emotionally with a team who are specially trained. They also hold a Compassionate Café welcoming anyone who has lost a loved one – held regularly at various places locally, and anyone can just drop in.
Age UK Dacorum
Age UK is the largest charity in the UK dedicated to making the most of later life. They support older people with practical help such as gardening and a handyman service for a modest charge, enabling them to stay in their own homes. They can provide help and support for carers and those with low-level memory loss and dementia. Age UK understands how difficult it is for older people to access services, so makes it as easy as possible. They hold regular 10-3 clubs providing a nutritious lunch and companionship once a week in many places, where all are given a warm welcome.
Open Door Berkhamsted
Open Door is a community café and arts space on the High Street where everyone is encouraged to be active, creative and social, whatever their circumstances. A welcome is provided for everyone in the community. Workshops and art exhibitions are some of the activities offered, and there are various food projects, but anyone can just come in for a cup of tea and a chat in the café (which also serves soup) – on a no-charge basis but donations can be offered. The aim is to tackle social inequality and isolation; everyone can participate and connect, contributing to their own well-being and that of the community. Quote: “We’re here for everyone – caring, welcoming and inclusive”. All the work is funded by donations or grants, so the money we give is well used in this local community project.
Every one of these charities and organisations rely on donations to keep going.
Please prayerfully consider what you can give; every gift, however small, is valued.
Together, we can make a difference, sharing our concern and the love of God with them.