Continuing on Sunday

This week we will be thinking about We believe in God the Holy Spirit, continuing our series of talks which will look at some of the basic beliefs of followers of Jesus. In our services, we often say what is known as the creed, a summary of what the Church believes about who the God we worship is and what that means for us. Over the coming weeks we are going to explore the Apostles’ Creed which has its origins in the profession of faith believers in Jesus made when they were baptised to help us come to know God better.

We want this to be a time where we can ask questions too so there will be a board for collecting questions and a chance to focus on these in the final week. Alternatively, you can send any questions to Rebecca or one of the other preachers and they will add them to the board. No question is too simple or too difficult to ask and they can be anonymous!

We Believe in God

20th October We believe in God
readings: Psalm 100 and Ephesians 1.1-14
There are lots of ideas about who God is out there, the creeds help us to remember who the God we worship is.

27th October We believe in God the Father
readings: Job 38.1-11 and Romans 11.33-end
As we say in the Lord’s Prayer, we worship our Father who is in heaven. He is worthy of worship because he is Almighty Creator and we can approach him because he is our Father who loves us.

10th November Remembrance Sunday

17th November We believe in God the Holy Spirit
readings: Ephesians 3.14-21 and John 16.5-16
The Holy Spirit helps us to recognise our need of God and to live as followers of Jesus who hope in the life to come.

24th November Telling others about the God we believe in
readings: Hebrews 11.1-16 and Matthew 28.16-20
Jesus asks all of us to tell other people about the God we believe in but this is hard if we are not sure about who he is ourselves. This will be an opportunity to ask questions about who God is and learn more about him from one another.

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