Another great Community Café was held in Church on Saturday 16th June 2024. Sadly Katie’s vision of holding it outside this month wasn’t possible due to the forecast and we experienced massive downpours while safely inside!
Pam and Katie were hosting, aided by Samson; Lucinda was on hand to craft and assist the ballet children with colouring sheets and provide blank cards to make Father’s Day cards, and Penny W and her sister Sue came along to set the church back up (in record time!). The weather was grotty so the gardeners came in first thing and enjoyed a much-needed, warming cup of coffee/tea and a well-deserved cake. Thank you to the amazing team of bakers – it wouldn’t be the same without your offerings! This month’s cake shout-outs go to Penny H for her chocolate cupcakes and to Pam for her delicious ‘rocky road’. An extra note of appreciation for Pam who set up so brilliantly that it made the Café run very smoothly. See photo of Pam and Katie enjoying hosting together!
Community Café is now taking a summer break, returning Saturday 21 September 10.30am-noon. Further 2024 dates include 19 October, 16 November, none as usual in December. Please click on the information link if you’d like to support Community Café.